Into the Terai
23rd February 2025 Departed from the phase of Religion and Culture to the land of wildlife. Up at 0500. Called the Reception at 0545 that I was coming to pay up. As I headed to my vehicle there were two guys coming to help me with my luggage. All of one small suitcase and a rucksack. Gave them the pleasure of the box. Went to pay up. The guy said an amount, which I was sure was not okay. Asked him to check. Which he did, and confirmed. Again asked him to print invoice and check. He did it, checked and repeated the same amount. So I paid up. Then looked at the invoice to find he had short charged me. Did not play the saint. 30 minutes later I got a call from the hotel. Profusely apologizing. Telling me what I knew. The guy had taken only one night's charges. Let him off his misery. Told him I'd pay the balance end of my drive. The road was empty, and good. Eased my way East and North towards the Nepal border. 20 kilometers from Valmiki Tiger Reserve the roads gave up. ...