Ratapani II

Had a good breakfast and left the resort at 0800.

Woke up much earlier and went down to the dam to see if anything was peeping. This is the picture I got. So shifted attention.

Had decided to do two locations today - Goringarh Fort and Bhimbetka.

Did both, but in the reverse order.

Had planned to do Gornigarh Fort first, as it required a drive thru the Ratapani National Park. The park boasts of Tigers, Leopards, Dhol and all types of deer. Thought if I got in by 0900, maybe, just maybe, I would get some sighting. But, could not locate the Girongarh Fort access .

Kept going to Bhimbetka. The write-ups are a bit misleading, as they confuse issues. 

First, the place has evidence of Human existence for the last 100000 years - in the form of animal bones and tools. These items have been removed to the museum in Bhopal.

Second, the pictorial depictions on the rocks have been aged from the existence of pictorials drawn by human beings - 35000 years back. There were two colours used - white and red. White from the limestone, and red from hematite. The colours are still on the rocks. Probable reasons - natural protection from direct sunlight and rain, soaked into the stone. There are also pictorial representations by humans of different stages of evolution, using different colours.

Third, the rock formations are all natural. No change has been made to them by any human civilisation of any age. It is being deduced that since humans were nomads, these caves were used periodically, probably when it rained too much. 

Whatever, amazing place. Well worth the visit.

You drive about 40 kilometres from Bhopal. Turn off onto a well laid road. Pay INR300/= to the Forest department for entry into the Ratapani Reserve. Parking is great. There are clean toilets just off the parking area. And, the guide I got knew his stuff/ He put up with stupid questions and never once tripped.

Took me a couple of hours. On the drive back was wondering what to do, when I saw these groups of monkeys ( will refrain from giving technical names ). Tried stopping near one group to get a closer shot, and they came running towards me. Quickly got back into Thar and shut door !! Realised later that the idiots feed them. 

Stopped at a MP tourism place on the road. Enquired about the Giringarh Fort. Was directed to the forest office. Got to the Forest office, was directed to the forest rest house. At the forest rest house, met this young forest officer, who turned down objections of some older guys, got into my vehicle and took me to the village weber the guides live. A guide is necessary as the fort is inside the core area of ratapani National Park. Well, also told me that I could use the pass I got at Bhimnbeta from the forest department to enter !!

Picked up the guide, and drove into the forest. Good thing it was the Thar. Drove a bit till he had me park. No sightings. Too dry and too hot. No feed for the deer, bushes were local tulsi. Believe deer do not eat that. All kills in this area have been cattle, one every 2/3 days.

The climb up to the fort is about 800 meters of steep gradient. There are steps of sorts, but the gradient brings out the sweat and tests the lungs. 

Made it to the fort in one piece. Went to the main palace first - used by the Rajah and the Rani. It has been built into the mountain - downward. Amazing. The rock has been cut. Walls built and strengthened with the standard stone and mud. Floors are mud. But, it goes down.

Water source is 52 rainwater reserves. The mountain being stone, water just runs off. So, these guys built reservoirs. Some still exist, and still hold water

You get a complete view of the forest around from the place.

Finished with the fort. Just when i was thinking of hunger, the guide asked me if I wanted to try my luck at some sighting. Well, I said yes, of course. He took me around another road to an area where the possibility was definitely more. There were streams, more tree cover. 

Heard an eagle, saw the butt of a dhole and the pug marks of a big tiger. Guide said the out marks were recent !!..

The drive was exciting. The forest road had just been marked, so needed delicate driving over stones, broken culverts and slush. 

Got back to the Collar Dam, that which I crossed to head south.

And, then to the resort. It is 1630.  Great day .

Have a threat from a MCC guy that he is on his way in. And, he has an afternoon flight out of Nagpur tomorrow.  Thought it would be judi evening. But, not so.

Poor guy. Landed on time. Then got lost !! Driver took him way off course. He got in to the resort after 10PM.

Early departure tomorrow.


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