Removing the poison
Posting for the 24th of November 2021
Woke up nice and easy. Only plan for the day was to confirm the problem in the Thar and get it fixed. Workshops did not open before 0900.
Headed out after a decent breakfast. For some strange reason, maps did not show us a Mahindra workshop that was a kilometer from the hotel. It took us 7 kilometers away, where a kindly soul, early for work redirected us back.
The name of the Mahindra garage is Ashok Tezpur
Got in 5th in the queue of vehicles. Guys were not too perturbed by what I explained. Seemed that they had this happen all the time.
Waited patiently till the mechanics came. Then started removing vehicles which were done, undone, to be done from various ramps to create space.
Did my bit of pleading and sob story telling to jump queue.
The khoyni chewing mechanic assigned to my vehicle gto in, started the vehicle, raised the rmp up to around 3000. The black smoke spewed on all around. He got out, nodded sagely, and walked away. At this time the Thar was outside the garage. Asked him why he was not taking the Thar in, getting on with work. His answer was proper, I was 5th in queue.
Went back to the guy in charge. And, was granted permission to bring the vehicle in.
The koyni chewing guy then took the Thar up the ramp.
He was joined by a much more active, something other chewing, guy. Everyone was chewing something or the other.
The knowledgeable then started the Thar again, decided that the poison was in the Diesel. When told my travel story, they all nodded sagely. Blamed Arunachal fuel. Said it happened regularly. I am not so general. The fuel that poisoned my Thar was from the Bharat Petroleum Bunk as I entered Ziro. Am going to take this further.
They would have to take of Fuel tank. Dump Fuel. Clean tank. Then take out diesel filter. Clean filter. Flush pipeline. Then assemble. I would have to take the container they gave, buy diesel and bring for them to pour into tank.
Was satisfied with prognosis. It was poison injected into the system. Nothing wrong with the system itself.
They took of the tank. Emptied the diesel. I stuck my finger in. Visually, it was murky. Not supposed to be so. Smell, was kerosene. The mechanics were sure there was water also in the diesel.
Well, they did what they had to do. I went by auto ( the mechanic bargained price with auto driver, else her said I would be ripped of ) and bought the diesel.
Got back to find them cleaning diesel filter. BLACK output. Had to be replaced.
The Air Intake Hose was cracked Must be because of the diesel starvation. Had to be replaced.
They started assembly. Found they did not have stock of that Intake Hose. Khoyni chewer said not to worry, he'd fix the hose as good as new. Asked for INR50/=. He sent junior chewer to buy 3 feviquick tubes. As that came, he went and got some fine sand and insulation tape. They sealed the crack with the feviquick and fine sand. Then wrapped it tightly with a roll of insulation tape.
The diesel was then poured into the tank using a empty bottle as the funnel. Some spilled as the pouring was happening. This is important, as it was the cause of some flutter later.
Assembly complete, the engine was started. The khoyni chewer told me that the exhaust system would have residual black smoke, not to worry. So, he got in, started and raised the RPM up to the roof. The smoke that spewed out was black, and had every other mechanic in the direction of the blow cursing. Well, junior chewer was laughing, as was I. Khoyni chewer was straight faced. Put up a palm saying all is over.
Then, smoke was noticed from the rear of the vehicle. The engine was turned of. Battery was disconnected. They went under, after raising the Thar on the ramp. Found no obvious reason. Lowered ramp, had me climb in to driver's seat, start the Thar, raise RPM, as they hunted the cause of the smoke.
Turned out that the diesel that had spilled, was on the exhaust pipe. Problem solved.
Paid, thanked all profusely, left.
Crossed the Brahmaputra around 1300.
Stopped for lunch at what was supposed to be an authentic North Eastern cuisine Dhaba. Got food as North Indian as could be. But, tasty. Ate well.
Reached Guwahati by 1700. Thar behaved as it should, beautifully. Lovely vehicle. Given the terrain covered, did not complain even once. Even thru the poisoning, battled on.
Later today, will head south into Meghalaya.
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