Kaza II

 28th September 2022

Had a late easy start to the day. The total distance I drove was not more than 70 kilometers both ways.

Started at 0800, heading north. The road was a beautiful metal top.

And then, the turn of to my destination came on the right as a sharp turn.

The metal top disappeared, for the next 19 kilometers. But, the scenery became more and more interesting with every minute.

As you will be noting, the climb was continuous. There was absolutely no part of the drive which was not a gradient.

Passed an ancient broken down monastery, which sat like a sentinel for the mountains.

The village I had reached is called Hikkim. It sits at 4440 meters. Kaza sits at 3800 meters. The climb had only 4 hairpin bends. The rest was just one long positive gradient in 19 kilometers, which took me over an hour and a half.

Stopped at the Post Office to write Postcards to the kids. Believe it has mutiple stops before it will reach. Nevertheless, the more important would be the postal department understanding my lovely handwriting.

Saw these guys as I was waiting to get some postal addresses.

 They were called wild goat. But I am sure there is a more fascinating name for them.

The side away from the post office is fascinating.

 Decided to drive on to the Komic monastery, which was about 4 kilometers away. Then come back and settle down for some tea and meditation.

The Komic monastery was closed to visitors. It sits not much higher than Hikkim.

Went back to Hikkim. Grabbed a chair away from the tiny tea shop. ASked for black tea. Was served Sweet hot Buckthorn tea. Enjoyed it. Had three servings.

Sat for about an hour there. Then a couple of tempo travelers arrived. Thought it prudent to depart.

Headed down the mountain towards Kaza.

Tomorrow is a similar agenda.


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