Kaza III

29th September 2022

Started in the same direction as yesterday, at almost the same time.

Then turned North West, instead of North East.

Went past the turn that I am to take tomorrow.

Headed on to the Kibber monastery. The roads here are for the most single lane with a decent top. The curves and the gradient is what makes these roads interesting, not to take anything away from the terrain.

The monastery is perched high above the road. The second picture is that of the Kibber village, which also has many places to stay. Could be an option for people who are more interested in putting their feet up and just looking at the terrain.

The road to the monastery is a sharp right. Drove past that, on to some great scenery. The road stayed good. Had tourist vehicles overtaking me at speed. I was crawling. Took 2 and a half hours to do a one hour run.

 That is a picture from road which meanders thru the Kibber village.

The sharp right to go to the Kibber Monastery. I went past it without much hesitation.

The last picture has a board. The warning is for idiots who try their driving skills on the grassland used by the locals for their horse riding festival. The grassland has some amount of flatland, but is basically up one side and down the other.

The mountains by the sides were terrain where if one had a whole load of luck and the Gods of animals on his side, maybe, a Ibex could have been seen. Believe me, I looked, I strained, I zoomed on every inch of the mountainsides. No luck. But the terrain is so great, it is amazing.

Reached the Chicham Bridge. This is one of the highest bridges in the world, built across a chasm. Read up on it. I did. Cannot remember enough to write it down. And, that would be plagiarism. 

The bridge is at 4200 meters.

As I crossed the bridge had a gentleman from the Punjab wave me down. Stopped to enquire. He wanted his friends to finish their photo shoot. Had a nice chat and laugh with the guys. And, drove on.

Keeping my eyes peeled for the elusive Ibex. Not at any distance close, but at the edge of my vision. Meant constant stops, pissing off the tourist drivers who were hell bent on maintaining their records. Enjoyed the stop and go.

Had stopped at a place just past Chicham, altitude around 4400 meters. Sat there for a while. No ibex.

Felt my stomach reminding me that lunch was necessary. I had an hour at the very least to go. So started down.

Relaxed rest of the day post lunch of Rajma and uralaikazhangu. 

May go missing next few days.



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