Masai Mara - day 2

Post for the 3rd of August 2023

The day started very well at 0700. All were ready and in the vehicle in time, even the Italians, who had now become quite chatty.

The ace was Geoffery telling us that the Mara River was our destination. That he was there to serve our tiniest whim. 

The sightings on this full day - 0730 to 1800, included these new species.

This is not to exclude all those we saw the previous day.

Reed Buck

Water Buck




Ground Hornbill

Brown snake eagle


Go away bird 

Some of the sightings had great stories in them. Will give them as we go along.

This was the opening drama for the day. The pair were running around in the savannah, obviously courting. The sun came out a few times giving us great photo opportunities. We left them alone as they trotted off towards the bush.

 Our second lion for the day, trotting off in the distance. We tried to track him, but lost him in the brush.


That's the wildebeast, dotting the grass. Along with some Zebra. They move towards greener feeding grounds continuously.

Our first Ostrich. Not the last, though.

 The third lion ( lioness ) for the day !! Guarding the kill. Sure her pride was around somewhere. They didn't show.

 That's the cape buffalo. They too move around with the green. And, in massive herds.

This is a Sausage tree. Called such because of it's fruits. Very important, as it will come up much later in the day.

Our safari led us to this pair, where the male was trying every which way to mount, and the female was moving off at the last moment. It went on for a while. Poor frustrated male.

We sighted the elephant over the grass. And then the herd. As you will see, the herd was moving in a line abreast. Then we saw the lions in the grass, moving in front of the herd. The lions came on to the road, then stepped back into a thorn bush. The elephants came around the bush, forcing the lions out and across the road. Brilliant wildlife drama. 

And, once the lions had crossed in front of us heading away, the elephants crossed behind us, heading the other way. It was more of a eviction from line of walk than a chase away from territory !!

And, that was the elephant versus lion action. And, the fourth lion sighting for the day.

Fifth lion sighting. She seemed lost, calling every once in a while. We left her to her lonesome vigil.

Then we had this massive long convoy of Wildebeast with some Zebra, galloping away in front of us. There was the group of Zebra at the end of the convoy that suddenly got confused, stopped and looked the other way. Convoy was moving from the Mara towards the Serengity.

This pair of male Lions were just before we reached River Mara. Our sixth lion sighting for the day. They seemed to be getting into position to hit a group of Zebras that had come across the river Mara. But, did not. They just settled down. My take is that they were waiting for the Wildebeast that normally came along after the Zebra, as they preferred wildebeast meat. My fellow travelers had a good laugh.

Reached the River Mara. Not too wide where we got to it. Deep of the sides.

We turned away from the river towards the way we had come.

The lions were sleeping.

It could have been the same Cheetah. Same area. Kept grooming itself, refusing a front on, or even a decent profile.

It had been an exciting day.

Six lion sightings. Lions courting. Elephants herding lions away from their young ones. Lioness calling. Lions in hunt mode. Wildebeast and Zebras thundering by in their thousands. Giraffe trying it's best to mate.

The evening was very pleasant.

This was the painting on the wall when we were having breakfast. It had three men around a tall earthen pot with pipes leading from the pot to their mouth. Wondered how the hookah worked !! 

Turned out it was not a hookah. It was the local beer called Marakina being consumed. We ordered some of it for the evening. It is made of Honey, fermented by the fruit of the sausage tree.

Was a decent drink. Did not have more than a glass each, as we did not want any corruption of our systems.



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